Our First Home Service

We’ve been back in the US now for just over two months, and in that time we’ve visited 8 churches, attended JEMS annual camp, and reconnected with many friends and family. It’s been wonderful spending time back home where we were blessed to see two of my siblings get married this, and meet our newest niece and nephew for the first time.

As we continue to serve in Japan, Lord willing for many years to come, we anticipate returning to the US for trips like these every two years or so. We have a number of reasons for this.

Reporting on what God has done.
First we want to report back to the people and churches who are praying for us and financially supporting us and the work that God is doing in Iwate, Japan. Those of you who partner with us are an absolutely essential part of the ministry that is taking place in Iwate and we want you all to know how God is answering your prayers and using the resources you are contributing, as well as keeping yo informed of the needs going forward and how you can continue to pray and help out. After our first two years in Japan we were really blown away at all that God has done, and have been excited to be back and share about the unprecedented ways He has begun to work in our part of Japan. If you haven’t had a chance to hear an update from us during our time here and you live in the Orange County area, we’ll be giving one final update this Saturday, September 5th.

Click here for for details about attending our Sep. 5th Missions update.

Raising support.
A second reason we’re back is to seek out additional financial supporters, people who God has given an interest and a heart for Japan and want to partner with us to help bring the Gospel to the people of Iwate, and see new churches started in unreached cities. All of our salary and ministry expenses are provided each month by the financial giving of churches and individuals. This is an incredibly humbling thing for us, and yet we see this pattern of ministry to be firmly Biblical, and God honoring. It allows the entire body of Christ to be obedient and involved in the work that God is doing throughout the world. Currently we’re in need of additional monthly financial partners, and our prayer is that God will lead people here in the US to join us, and send us back to Japan to continue His work.

Click here if you’re interested in becoming a monthly financial partner.

The third reason we’re back is simply to rest and recharge a little bit. Living in a different country, with a different culture can be a stressful experience, particularly for me as I strive to learn Japanese. Simple everyday activities turn into intense mental gymnastics as I try to catch every sound and recall every meaning in every conversation that I have. It’s been very refreshing to have some time to reconnect with friends who speak English, and to hear sermons and worship in English. For the kids this is a chance to maintain a relationship with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who they rarely get to see. We’re very grateful as a family for this change of pace and this opportunity to rest and ready ourselves for another period of active ministry in Japan.

Throughout our time here we’ve seen God’s blessings in each of these three areas, and continue to look to Him to provide and enable us to do the work that He has called us, along with our prayer and financial partners, to carry out in Japan.

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