2013 Giving

2013 Giving

We arrived in Japan at the tail end of March, 2013 as full time supported missionaries. The process of raising the necessary support and partnership was long and difficult, taking 5 and a half years, and two different sending agencies before God finally sent us on to Japan.  During that time we learned to trust in Him for all of our needs, to be patient, to persevere, and to pray. We met hundreds of amazing brothers and sisters in Christ, made new friends, and found support from numerous churches in Southern California.  Arriving here in March felt like the end of an epic journey in itself, but in reality it’s actually the beginning.

We cannot possibly express how grateful we are to our prayer and financial partners for sending us, and partnering with us as we seek to obediently follow Christ’s command to proclaim the gospel to all nations. Thank you for serving along side us. In God’s perfect wisdom He determined that this great endeavor of missions would not come about except through great cooperation and partnership on the part of His church, and so together we joyously walk in faith that He will accomplish all His plans and purposes through us.

We’ve determined that our monthly needs to serve long term in Japan are $5,700/month.  This covers not only salary, but also ministry expenses, administrative costs, retirement savings and taxes. Praise God that our average monthly giving in 2013 was $5,719, due in large part to generous giving to our outgoing fund in the months leading up to our departure, and generous year end giving. However He chose to provide, we clearly see God’s provision in meeting our needs (and even going a little bit above them!). Our hope and prayer for 2014 and onward is that normal monthly giving would be sufficient to keep us here in Japan long term.

(click to enlarge)

Average giving for our first 6 months in Japan was about $4,700, which means that about $1,000 a month was covered by special gifts. Which is absolutely amazing, we were constantly blown away by the generosity of God’s people in supporting and sending us to be a part of the work He is doing in Japan. For the long term, however, our goal is to be fully supported. This will allow us to focus more fully on the ministry at hand and lessen the likelihood that we would have to interrupt our work here in order to return to the US early to do support raising.

Our first scheduled home service assignment is next year, in 2015, where we look forward to being able to report in person to our partners and sending churches about all that God is doing here. We will also be focusing on raising additional monthly support at that time.  We also hope to be able to raise some support while on the field here in Japan, particularly as God clarifies His Will for our future service here. Below you will find a monthly break down of the gifts that were given, and the needs for each month. Thank you for your generous support and prayers!

Monthly Giving vs. Needs

(NOTE: we were only partially supported while in the US during the final months of preparation for departure,  which is why our needs for January and February were lower.)

Month Giving Needs Difference
Jan $3,446 $2,500 $946
Feb $7,466 $2,500 $4,966
Mar $6,768 $5,700 $1,068
Apr $5,936 $5,700 $236
May $4,452 $5,700 -$1,248
Jun $3,931 $5,700 -$1,769
Jul $5,048 $5,700 -$652
Aug $3,776 $5,700 -$1,924
Sep $5,010 $5,700 -$690
Oct $6,590 $5,700 $890
Nov $4,875 $5,700 -$825
Dec $11,333 $5,700 $5,633
Average Monthly: $5,719
Monthly Needs $5,700

Summer Newsletter



It’s been over five months since we moved to Japan to begin a new life as long term missionaries. We are living in Iwate, one of the three prefectures devastated by the 2011 Tsunami. Our long term goal is to help plant new churches among the cities that were affected. But to start we’re living in Morioka, the capital inland city where David is studying Japanese, and together we’re building relationships with the churches and ministers serving in the area as we prepare for the next step in this journey. Click here to download the newsletter.

Didn’t qualify for Member Orientation this year

I know this post may come across as sort of a downer, but it’s not like that. The last few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster with hopes rising and falling, frantic planning and lots of prayers. But somewhere in the middle of it all I felt like God was telling me to just let it go, that He had a plan and it just wasn’t what I thought it was.

First off thank you for all of your prayers. Second, please keep praying; we are still as committed as ever to getting to Japan, and even if we do have to put off our departure date till 2012, there’s still a ton that needs to happen before then. We’re at 34% of monthly support, so in order to leave by next Summer we’ve got to raise something like 5% a month, which is far above the rate that things have been going the last year. The need for the gospel to reach Japan is as great as ever, and there have been few periods in Japan’s history when it has been this open to the gospel.

We will certainly not be idle over the next year as we continue to prepare to serve God as church planters in Japan. We’re expecting a baby in December, and Tomo was actually a little relieved that moving to Japan before the birth was taken off the table. We’ll have a little more time to prepare for our new arrival without having to worry about packing up and moving across the Pacific. I’ve been serving as an elder at our little church here in San Juan Capistrano, and I feel as though God has given me a greater opportunity to serve the local church and learn how it needs to function, for which I am constantly grateful.

Thank you again for your prayers, we need them; and we need your partnership and support; and Japan needs the Gospel. Lord willing you will join us in meeting those needs in the coming year.

Update: Now we Need 50%

First off thank you all so much for your prayers. It’s been pretty amazing to see God answer them each day the last three. But we need to ask you to pray for something a little bigger.

Due to a miscommunication in the SEND office, we were given the wrong amount to shoot for. In order to qualify to go to MOP we need to reach 50% by July 10. In other words we have a new deadline, and a higher target. If we don’t get an additional 16.5% (previously we were trying to raise an additional 8%) of our support by July10, we’ll almost certainly have to push back our departure to Summer 2012. More on that in a minute, but first, the good news.


1. Each day of the last three, God has provided one new supporter comitting $40/month. As you recall in the last Prayer update I mentioned that we needed to get one new $40/month supporter each day until the end of June, and asked that you pray for God to provide. That was Tuesday, three days ago, and sure enough, each day someone has decided to start supporting us at $40/month, or increase their support. I have been blown away to see God answer so clearly thus far. Now however, I need to ask you to pray that God provides two supporters each day for the next three weeks.

2. Due to God’s provision if we qualify for SEND’s Member Oriencation (by getting up to 50% by July 10), we will be able to afford to take the three weeks off of work needed to attend. I meant to ask you to pray about this, but forgot. It’s something we’ve been praying about for awile. When we started planning on going to MOP this Summer we realized that we wouldn’t be able to afford to take three weeks off of work. Technically to avoid having to push back our departure date we needed God to work two miracles: providing the supporters, and providing the finances to enable us to take time off of our jobs. As of this morning it looks like He has taken care of the second one, and that if we do get enough support to qualify to attend MOP we will be able to take the time off of work as well. So this was a huge answer to prayer.

3. Tomo is mostly over her cough. But still suffering from morning sickness :-(.

Prayer Request

1. That God provides an additional 16.5% of our support by July 10. Previously we set a goal of one new supporter a day for the next two weeks. Now it looks more like we will need 2 new supporters a day over the next three weeks. 1 Corinthians 4:8 comes to mind: “We are… perplexed, but not driven to despair.” I got two phone calls today while I was in a meeting. One was the call to let me know that we were accidentally told the wrong amount and that we needed to raise more than double what we thought. The other was a person calling to let us know that they wanted to increase their support by an additional $40/month. We aren’t sure what God is doing. But He is clearly doing something. If July 10th comes and goes and we have to push back our departure date till next year, then we trust that’s part of God’s perfect plan. But if it comes and we are at 50% we’ll know He worked a miracle. There could be no other logical explanation. This would not be the first time God has made a situation seem hopeless in order to demonstrate His ability to overcome obstacles that we cannot.

Judges 7:2-7

The LORD said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’ Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home and hurry away from Mount Gilead.'” Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained.

And the LORD said to Gideon, “The people are still too many. Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ shall go with you, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ shall not go.” So he brought the people down to the water.

And the LORD said to Gideon, “Every one who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself. Likewise, every one who kneels down to drink.” And the number of those who lapped, putting their hands to their mouths, was 300 men, but all the rest of the people knelt down to drink water.

And the LORD said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home.”

2Corinthians 1:9
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.

Thank you all, and God Bless!

Dave and Tomo

A Thanks to Our Supporters.

I was reading Luke last night when I came across some verses that reminded me why we’re raising support.

Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means. – Luke 8:1-3

As I was reading this I was struck by how Christ allowed His earthly ministry of proclaiming the gospel to be supported by the finances of a number of well off women who provided the for Him and the disciples out of their own means. It seemed to me that Christ would be the last person who would rely on the gifts of others to provide for Him. Indeed Christ demonstrated that there were no needs He could not meet Himself. Christ did not need anyone to give him food for He could multiply loaves to feed thousands. He had no need of shelter for He could command the wind and the weather. He had no need for money for He could pull coins out of the mouths of fishes. Yet as He went out preaching, He chose to rely on the generosity of these women. Why?

A better question would be why not? What better thing could these women possibly put their money towards? If God had blessed them with the ability to give, why should He withhold from them the opportunity? Undoubtedly the very reason God had gifted them with these finances was so that they could use them to further the kingdom of God.

We will be going to Japan to participate in the fulfillment of Christ’s last command to His people before leaving the earth. We will go to be involved in a similar ministry to His; proclaiming the gospel, making disciples and starting churches. And we will go with a similar support structure, relying upon the generosity of saints who realize that the very reason God has blessed them with finances is so that they can fund Christ’s work, for the glory of God.

So to all of our supporters, thank you for joining us in this ministry. Thank you for faithfully supporting the work of ministry as God has enabled and called you to do. Thank you for your partnership and prayers. Even as we are still on the early stages of embarking upon this particular ministry, I can’t wait to see what the end of it will be like, and what great things our Lord will do through the work of His people.

Support Japan Relief Efforts

If you are interested in donating to help send relief to the victims of this disaster, we can recommend two organizations that are in a unique position to not only help to meet the great physical needs of the victims of this disaster, but also their equally great spiritual needs. If you would like to make a long term commitment to helping the people of Japan, we encourage you to consider becoming a monthly financial partner in our ministry as we eagerly prepare to move to Japan and begin sharing the hope and love of Christ Jesus with a people that has suffered so much.

SEND International has an ongoing church planting partnership with the Japanese Evangelical Church Association (JECA), of which Tomo’s home church in Japan is a member. SEND has established a project to equip local churches to minister to those who have been affected by this tragedy. Money given to this project will be distributed to churches in Japan, some of whom were in and near the actual disaster zones, to aide them in reaching out to those around them.

CRASH Japan is a Christian Japanese disaster relief organization. In the past they have responded to smaller scale disasters in Japan and neighboring countries in Asia. They currently have set up one base camp in the midst of the disaster and are receiving supplies from the government and other organizations to distribute to evacuees and those still living in the diaster areas. The scale of this disaster is far greater than any they have faced, and they are in great need of additional resources.

When the cities are rebuilt, the need will still remain…

Because of this terrible tragedy, Christians all over the world have turned to Japan with a heart of compassion. However as great as the physical needs of Japan are now in the wake of this disaster, the spiritual needs have been just as great for far longer. SEND International, along with many other mission agencies began work in Japan following the devastation caused by World War II. It is our prayer that God will send a second wave of missionaries to share the love of Christ with a nation that so desperately needs to receive it.

If God is calling you to a longer term commitment, we ask you to prayerfully consider becoming monthly financial partners with us. If you will commit to sending us to Japan, we will go to minister to the needs of the Japanese for the long term. God is calling us to plant new churches in Japan. Will you join us in this effort?

Click here to become a financial partner

Japan Earthquake Update

As is in the news, the northeastern part of Japan was hit by a M8.8 earthquake at 2:45pm on Thursday, and tsunami hit the coastal towns. This is the biggest earthquake in the history of the country.

First of all, our family and relatives in Tokyo are all ok. And I haven’t heard that anyone I know has been hurt, missing, or lost their home. Thanks for the prayers.

As many of you might have already seen in the news, there are several small towns on the coast that were almost completely swept away as a whole, and thousands of people are still stranded on rooftops. Rescue efforts are slow since the whole areas are still completely flooded up to the roof. Roads and bridges are broken, and millions of people are without electricity with freezing weather at night. There have been many aftershocks, landslides, and fires in many places and many people are still buried. There are about 680 confirmed dead so far and there are reports about hundreds of more bodies on the coast that they cannot get to because of the water and the possibility of more tsunami. They expect the death toll to keep rising.

In the cities, all the public transportations stopped and many people were stranded in their workplaces, schools, etc. My dad was among them and he walked 4 hours to a nearby church and spent the night there. He found a couple buses running the next morning and made it home safely.

There are also two nuclear power plants on the coast where the tsunami hit, and one of them started to melt and they have been trying to cool it down with sea water. There has been a minor explosion in the power plant as well and 3 people were exposed to radiation. Many are afraid of meltdown.

I haven’t heard much about how the churches in the area are doing. Phones and e-mails are still either down or crowded, but I was told that Facebook has been very reliable.

Please pray:

  • That those who are buried or stranded will be rescued quickly.
  • For warmth, food and shelter for those who lost their homes or evacuating.
  • That there won’t be a serious damage at the nuclear power plant.
  • For the churches and Christians to be able to help those who are suffering.

Thank you again for your prayers and let us keep praying.

60% by January – November Newsletter

60% by January

In order to get to Japan by next summer, we set a mid-term goal of reaching 60% of our monthly support by the end of January. Once we reach 60%, SEND will permit us to begin taking a partial salary from the support that we have raised. This will allow us to dedicate far more time to partner development, and freedom to travel and visit friends and churches outside of Southern California, in order to raise the full amount of our support by July. … read more

Other Things…

David has been recently appointed one of the elders of Crossroad Church. He is thankful for this appointment not only as an opportunity to serve our church in the U.S., but also as a training to prepare for our future church-planting ministry in Japan. Tomo is enjoying working at a Japanese-speaking daycare three times a week. The joy of seeing children grow in different areas makes it a rewarding experience. … read more

September Newsletter Posted!

In this edition Tomo’s church in Japan teams up with some high school students at our church (including Dave’s little brother Sam) to host a summer English camp, and fellow missionaries and family Jon (Dave’s brother) and his wife Maki (Tomo’s sister) come to the US for home service.

Joy English Club!

by David Robison
Sam helps run a VBS in Japan
One of the most difficult problems the Japanese church faces in growing is simply getting people through the front door. Japanese people tend to look at Christianity with suspicion, seeing it as a foreign or western institution. Very few would be comfortable visiting a church. However when Tomo’s church, and the team my younger brother was a part of partnered together to host a “Joy English Club” at the church, the result was that dozens of children and their parents came into the church and heard about Christ.Read more…

Jon, Maki and Baby Aquila

by Tomo Robison
The entire Robison Family in one place.
As many of you already know,David’s younger brother, Jon is married to Tomo’s older sister, Maki. We all met at the same time when David and Jon came to Japan for the first time in 2003 and stayed at Maki and Tomo’s house for 6 weeks. Jon and Maki got married about a year before we did. Now we’re all part of the Robison clan and we’re all very happy about it. Read More…

Door to Door Support Raising

Add this to a long list of things God has gotten me into that I never imagined I would ever be doing: door to door support raising. I didn’t even realize that’s what I’d be doing when we set out to implement our newest, and to date, craziest, support raising strategy, but sometimes God has His own plans (technically He does all the time, sometimes I just forget it).

The idea was to save money on postage. At least that’s what I thought the idea was. Tomo and I were recently preparing our June newsletter, which includes a DVD, when we realized that it would cost about a $1.50 in postage to send each one. About 60 people on our mailing list live in the South Orange County area, so we figured we could save some money delivering those ourselves, and hey, it might be a good chance to say hi to some people we haven’t seen in awhile. After plotting the day’s deliveries in Google Maps, we set off. By the end of the first day I was blown away by how much better God was at organizing things than I was.

People are busy, and I’ve often been a little discouraged at how difficult it is to get an appointment to go talk to someone about our Japan. I usually play phone tag with people for a few weeks, exchange emails, texts, then they go on vacation, and when they get back, sometimes they can squeeze in a time to get together with us. And that’s just how life is here in California, we’re all busy people. So, I figured we’d show up, hand over the envelope, exchange small talk and be off. But instead we almost always found ourselves invited in, and asked about how things were going, and what we were up to. Turns out driving to someone’s house and knocking on their door is often the best way to talk to them.

Last week we spent four afternoons doing this. It was probably the most fun I’ve had support raising since I started. We got to know some of our supporters better, reconnected with friends I hadn’t seen in years and even meet new people for the first time. Sometimes we just caught up on what we’d been up to, sometimes we just dropped off the envelope, often people wanted to pray with us, and a few times we gave a full on support presentation and left with people promising to pray about financial partnership. Having something to hand over turned out to be the perfect excuse to drop by for a visit. No one minded, in fact almost everyone said they appreciated that we took the time to stop by in person to talk to them. But if they were busy we just gave them the newsletter and DVD, and went on to the house on our list.

We’re still waiting to see what God will do as far as raising up actual financial support, but regardless of that we had an encouraging and enjoyable time. We’ve still got about thirty or so deliveries to make, and I’m excited to see more old friends and meet new ones. So if we show up on your door step in the next few weeks, don’t be too surprised.

Side note: How many friends do you have that live within ten minutes of you that you haven’t seen or talked to in the last five years? Try stopping by their house some time and saying hi. It’s kind of fun.